This Virtual Open House is an online engagement platform for the Hoaloha Park Adaptation Plan to share draft adaptation concepts and the background studies that underpin those concepts. The County of Maui Department of Parks and Recreation hopes to gather community input on the draft concepts and the desired vision for Hoaloha Park now and into the future.
The content in this virtual open house mirrors what was shared at the in-person open house event on October 30, 2024. It provides an additional opportunity to review and engage with the content and provide your input.
Please feel free to visit and share comments as many times as you like between now and November 30, 2024. All input will be logged and used to inform the development of the final adaptation plan for Hoaloha Park.
- Add comments directly to materials posted. Commentors will be asked to provide a name and email address. It is recommended to create a free account by clicking the "Register" link at the top of the home page so you don't have to enter your email and name every time you leave a comment.
- Feel free to e-mail us with any questions or technical difficulties.
The sections below contain an online version of the content boards presented at the in person open house. Click on the topics that interest you to learn more and share your thoughts. Each section includes slides where you can provide your comments and a discussion forum to share and discuss with others in your community.
To view in full screen, click the "FULL SCREEN" icon on the left side of the window:
Background: Site, Infrastructure, Transportation
To view in full screen, click the "FULL SCREEN" icon on the left side of the window:
Summary Reports
Background: Coastal Hazards, Cultural and Traditional Uses, Park User Profile
To view in full screen, click the "FULL SCREEN" icon on the left side of the window:
Summary Reports
DRAFT Concept: Short Term (0ft-1ft Sea Level Rise)
This section shows the draft short term adaptation concept for Hoaloha Park and the draft Adaptation Pathway.
The projected dune crest position on this map shows how the shoreline would migrate if no adaptation actions were taken. We want to hear your thoughts on what elements of the concept you like, what elements you would change, and why you feel that way.
To view in full screen, click the "FULL SCREEN" icon on the left side of the window:
DRAFT Concept: Mid Term (2ft Sea Level Rise)
This section shows the draft mid term adaptation concept for Hoaloha Park and the draft Adaptation Pathway.
The projected dune crest position on this map shows how the shoreline would migrate if no adaptation actions were taken. We want to hear your thoughts on what elements of the concept you like, what elements you would change, and why you feel that way.
To view in full screen, click the "FULL SCREEN" icon on the left side of the window:
DRAFT Concept: Long Term (3.2ft Sea Level Rise)
This section shows the draft long term adaptation concept for Hoaloha Park and the draft Adaptation Pathway.
The projected dune crest position on this map shows how the shoreline would migrate if no adaptation actions were taken. We want to hear your thoughts on what elements of the concept you like, what elements you would change, and why you feel that way.
To view in full screen, click the "FULL SCREEN" icon on the left side of the window: