Pāhoa Transit Hub and Library

Welcome to the Virtual Open House for the Pāhoa Transit Hub and Co-located Library Project.
Please scroll through the page to learn more about the project and the potential sites
selection process. Provide comments on your preferred site and share your mana'o on
features you would like to see in the future transit hub and library.  

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How to Get Involved

Your opinion is critical to shaping the future transit hub and library! The draft Environmental Assessment was published on 3/23. Comments are due May 1, 2024. There are several ways to participate and provide input:


  1. Use the interactive module below to review and comment.

  2. Submit your comments to the project team via the contact info below.

  3. Submit comments and questions to the Project Team using the contact form.



Mahalo for joining us at our April 17 community meeting! The project team is reviewing your comments to incorporate into the Final Environmental Assessment. The PowerPoint slides from the presentation are provided below. 

Community Meeting #1 - March 1, 2023

At this meeting, members of the community had the opportunity to learn about the project, ask questions, and provide written comments with a focus on site selection and potential design features of the future hub. Meeting agenda, presentation and a summary of meeting notes are provided below:

Meeting Agenda


Community Meeting #1 Summary


Pop-up at Makuʻu Farmer's Market - February 26, 2023

At this event, informational boards were on display showcasing the project information. The public also had the opportunity to participate in activities focused on their preferred site and what services or features they would like to see in the future hub.

Pop-up Event Summary

About the Project


In August of 2018, the County of Hawai‘i Transit and Multi-Modal Transportation Master Plan (Master Plan) was completed.One of the goals of the Master Plan was to “Create transportation hubs and bus stops with amenities that provide rider comfort and safety and that help support community and village gathering places.” 

Click here to view the County of Hawai‘i Transit and Multi-Modal Transportation Master Plan


To implement this goal, the County of Hawai‘i Planning Department and Mass Transit Agency (the County and MTA) are initiating the planning phase of a Transit Hub in the Pāhoa region. MTA launched public outreach in 2019 along with initial identification of locations for consideration of a transit hub. Two community meetings were held in March and July 2019, where 13 possible locations were proposed and ranked. Of the 13, three sites were removed from consideration. This project evaluated the remaining 10 sites based on a variety of factors and identified three preferred sites. Community input is currently being sought on these top three sites (click here to learn more and provide your input).

In addition, the County entered into discussions with the Hawai‘i State Public Library System (HSPLS) regarding co-location of the transit hub with a new State library. HSPLS intends to construct a new library in the Pāhoa region and desires to support the County’s Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) initiatives and explore the possibility of co-locating the library with the future transit center. Co-location of these key public services will enhance the ability of both facilities to serve the Pāhoa community and advance TOD principles. This project has received $100,000 from State TOD Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Planning funds and $350,000 from HSPLS CIP funds to support the planning study for the transit hub and co-located library.


Download the Project Fact Sheet

The current project has three main purposes:

  • to identify the preferred site for the transit hub and library through community input and technical study;
  • to prepare preliminary concept designs for the three top sites;
  • to prepare an environmental assessment for the project in accordance with HRS chapter 343.

Community engagement has been conducted throughout the project process. Currently, the project is in the process of going through the Envrionmental Assessment process, a preliminary schedule is shown below.



Site Selection Process

Initial Site Selection Process

Top Three Preferred Sites

Previous Effects on the Site Selection


Based on community polling, Site #2 was the overwhelming preference as a potential site for the Pāhoa Transit Hub and Library. This site appears on the project Environmental Assessment as Alternative 1.



What we heard...

  • Accessibility around the Pāhoa Town Center is important, emphasis on the need for sidewalks for safety
  • Make it look like Pāhoa Town
  • Puna needs community gathering spaces
  • Need bike storage, garden, and space for kids
  • Easy access to technology and government resources

Below is a conceptual drawing of what the transit hub and library could look like, and the design features that it could include. The design will be customized to fit the final preferred site. Click on the  button to view example pictures of some design features.


Examples of Library Features and Services


Get in touch with any questions or feedback you may have about the project by contacting the Project Team:

Victor Kandle, Administrator 
County of Hawai‘i Mass Transit Agency  
Phone: (808) 961- 8770
Email: victor.kandle@hawaiicounty.gov
Stacey Aldrich
Hawaii State Public Library System  
Heather Bartlett
SSFM International
Phone: (808) 628-5843
Email: hbartlett@ssfm.com  

Or send us a message by filling out the form below