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Pahoa Transit Hub and Library


Section 1: Project Description

This section provides background information and a comprehensive description of the project vision and intended services.

Section 2: Alternatives

This section describes the three alternative sites that were identified through our community engagement process and discusses in detail what these alternatives include and entail.

Section 3: Affected Environment, Potential Impacts, and Minimization Measures

This section describes surrounding environmental, societal, cultural, and historical resources and discusses any potential impacts and mitigative measures.

Section 4: Relationship to Land Use Plans and Policies

This section discusses the project's relationship to State and County land use and community plans and policies to assess alignment with future goals for the community.

Section 5: Findings and Conclusions

This section uses significance criteria from the Hawaii Administrative Rules Chapter 11-200.1 to discuss and identify the overall findings and concludes that the project will be eligible for a "FONSI" or Finding of No Significant Impact.

Section 6: Agency and Public Consultation

This section describes the agency and community consultation that has been undertaken so far for the project.


The appendicies include various technical studies and supporting analysis for the Environmenal Assessment.

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