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Kaua'i Community Correctional Center (KCCC)


Kaua'i Community Correctional Center (KCCC)



KCCC Draft Site Selection Report

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Project Overview (section 2.1)

This section provides background information and comprehensive disruption of the project vision.

Approach (section 2.2)

The process for finding a new site for the KCCC facility involves a complex mix of physical and community issues. Review this section to see how our team approached finding sites for the project.

Methodology (section 3)

This section describes the criteria evaluated and methodology used in ranking the alternative sites.

Evaluation Matrices (section 4)

Review the Draft Results of our objective evaluation of the Alternative sites.

Community Engagement (section 5)

This section describes the project teams’ approach to engaging the community.

Appendix A

Includes maps referenced in the evaluation of the alternative sites.

Appendix B

Photographs of each site were obtained to provide visual relationships to surrounding features.

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