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Overview Section

Overviews are used as a page builder to add content on to highlighting topics within different sections.  This is done by adding sections of content bundles.  This template will allow you to view the backend and setup of each type of Content Block.  Visit our Overview Guide for even more detail. 



Content Block

Allows you to add static text content, paragraphs, hyperlink, pictures, videos and more.

Add a Button: Two styles of buttons are available when hyperlinking to other pages or forms. 

To manually create a button Highlight the text > select hyperlink > add link > select Styles button dropdown.  Manually creating a button allows you to select the blue document button and also to adjust the loction of the button.  You can also use the Link and Link Title above the Settings bar in each content section to create a red button/link.  

  • Button - red
  • Document Button - blue with left flag


Settings and Block Grid Features

Content blocks can be used to add and arrange layouts and showcase the content of a project.  Using the different settings within each block will help manage text, dates or schedules.  

Konveio offers four unique settings to display and highlight a bullet point list and three styles that you can apply to your Block Grid on Konveio web pages.  Add a bullet point list>highlight>select the desired Style in the WYSIWYG editor.



Simple Arrows Bulleted

Color Box Bulleted List

Moving Arrows Bulleted List

White Box Bulleted List

Tab - Block Grid Styling

Land Use Map

Zoning Map

Accordion - Block Grid Styling

Why is this project important to do now?

Who will be involved in the planning?

What is the timeline for the project completion?

When will the improvements be completed?

Timeline - Block Grid Styling

September 1, 2023

October 11, 2023

Long Content

The Long Content feature allows the user to click a button to open additional text, content or images.  This can be used as a short introduction and then expand for additional information or view a video.  Once the user is done reading, they can collapse the text.  


Sample Instrcutions. To learn how to embed a video check out Video Streaming FAQ. 


For more example instructions to get you started check out the FAQ - Sample Instrcutions.

The Department is using interactive software to better capture your comments throughout the document.

You can click and leave a comment on any page as you review and you can also up-vote and reply to other comments. The Table of Contents feature on the top left will allow you to easily jump between sections of the plan as you review. The zoom icons on the bottom right will allow you to zoom in and out. You can also start with a "Summary" or "Guided Tour" of the plan to get an overview of the various content included by toggling to those options on the bottom of the page.

Once you finish reviewing the document and leaving your comments, please take a minute to quickly fill out our Survey. If you have any questions during your review or trouble accessing, feel free to reach out to the planning team at emailsample@gov.com 

Forms & Surveys

A webform can be used to collect one-way input submissions from users. Example uses might include contact forms, surveys and questionnaires. Submission results are stored and can be emailed, viewed online within your site, or downloaded into a spreadsheet. A form can be added as a link, button or as a block shown below. 

  • Always test your survey by completing and viewing the format of the response prior to implementation.  This will help you ensure your survey output is in your desired format. 
  • Enable the email notification to receive notice when a form is submitted.  See Configure Email Settings in the Webforms guide.
  • Deleting a survey component will remove the question and ALL response received for that component.
Tell us your thoughts!


Discussion Boards

A discussion board is a feature allowing you to add questions to create a discussion forum where users can reply to other comments and or support with a up or down-vote. Discussion Boards can be shown on your documents as content overlays and on your Overview pages. 

Thumbnail of the node

Template Discussion

How did we do?  Please share any additional feedback you would like to provide.  [Don't forget to update the discussion board to fit your project.  To learn more visit the Discussion Board FAQ.]