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CPAC Draft Policies Table

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North Shore Sustainable Communities Plan




  • Improve the economics of agriculture through enhanced infrastructure, productivity, and commerce
  • Protect agricultural land from uses that compromise agricultural potential and rural character
  • Minimize impacts from agricultural uses to nearby communities and the natural environment
  • Anticipate and respond to climate change

Climate Change

Climate Change and Natural Hazards

  • Make development more resilient to climate change and sea level rise
  • Investigate mechanisms to relocate development and infrastructure away from the ocean.
  • Utilize the best available science to proactively plan for the future
  • Center equity and social good when considering relocation of infrastructure and development
  • Develop resilience hubs
  • Employ nature based solutions to mitigate climate change impacts and restore natural environments.


Economic Opportunity

Economic Opportunity

  • Diversify the economy to be less dependent on tourism
  • Support local-serving commercial uses
  • Enhance agriculture as part of the regional economy
  • Encourage small businesses that align with rural character and the identity of the region
  • Support people to live and work in the North Shore


Natural Resources & Open Space

Natural Resources and Open Space

  • Increase Efforts to Protect Fragile Natural Resources
  • Improve Stream System Maintenance and Management to Improve Water Quality and Reduce Flood Potential
  • Preserve Unique Natural Features and Improve Access to Them


Public Facilities

Public Facilities

  • Encourage Facilities and Services that Align with Regional Character and Address Future Needs
  • Support Measures to Improve Public Safety
  • Align with City and State Waste Reduction Goals
  • Support a Transparent and Environmentally Sound Process to Site a New Landfill
  • Enforcement of Illegal Dumping & Littering




  • Enhance Energy System Resilience 
  • Promote Rural Character-Friendly Renewables
  • Enhance Energy Efficiency & EV Adoption




  • Diversify the economy to be less dependent on tourism
  • Support local-serving commercial uses and public services
  • Enhance agriculture and natural resource management as part of the regional economy
  • Encourage small businesses that align with rural character and the identity of the region
  • Support people to live and work in the North Shore

Rural Character

Rural Character

  • Concentrate New Development near Town Centers within the Community Growth Boundary
  • Prioritize Affordable Housing for Local Residents and Those in Need
  • Ensure that Development is Compatible with Rural Character and Historical Context
  • Support Local Serving Commercial Uses that provide Jobs and Meet Resident Needs
  • Promote Light Industry that Supports Small Business and North Shore Identity



  • Alleviate Traffic Congestion Through Transportation Alternatives and Demand Management
  • Provide a Continuous Network of Paths and Trails
  • Plan for Long-term Transportation System Resilience

Water Resources

Water Resources

  • Manage Quality and Quantity of Runoff
  • Promote Water Conservation and Reuse
  • Enhance Water and Wastewater System Resilience
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