Jacaranda Study
The County of Maui
is seeking input on
The County of Maui
is seeking input on
The page below provides interactive opportunities for you to learn more about the project and
the potential impacts and benefits of converting Jacaranda Street to one-way operations. Please scroll through this webpage and share your mana‘o!
(Rotate your mobile device into landscape mode for a better viewing experience)
Project Overview
Councilmember Gabe Johnson's office requested the assistance of the County of Maui's Department of Public Works (DPW) to explore the potential traffic impacts of converting a section of Jacaranda Street, between 6th Street and 7th Street, from two-way to one-way in the southbound direction towards Dole Park. This reconfiguration would continue the one-way traffic flow that exists north of 6th Street, with the goal of alleviating conflicts resulting from two-way traffic on this short section of roadway.
Click on the interactive map below to identify the study area,
landmarks and the surrounding roadway network.
Existing Concerns with Two-Way Operations
Councilmember Gabe Johnson
P.O. Box 647, 411 Eighth Street Lanai City, HI 96763
Mike Packard
SSFM International, Inc.
(808) 356-1205
Or send us a message by filling out the form below