East Kaua'i Community and Circulation Plan


Aloha Kākou

Mahalo for your participation in this Online Open House and Survey! The comment period has now ended, and the project team is currently reviewing the feedback. We are working to incorporate your input into a format that will guide future policy discussions and ensure that we share a comprehensive summary of what we heard.

This page has been archived for your continued access. Please dont hesitate to contact the project team to provide any additional feedback you may have.


This Virtual Open House is an online engagement platform for the EKCCP to share project information and gather community input on the issues facing East Kauaʻi today and the desired vision for the future of the community.

The content in this virtual open house mirrors what was shared at the first in-person open house event on July 25, 2024. It provides an additional opportunity to review and engage with the content and provide your input.

Please feel free to visit and share comments as many times as you like between now and August 28, 2024. All input will be logged and used to inform the development of the vision and policies for East Kauaʻi over the next 25 years. 




  1. Add comments directly to materials posted. Commentors will be asked to provide a name and email address. It is recommended to create a free account by clicking the "Register" link at the top of the home page so you don't have to enter your email and name every time you leave a comment.
  2. Drop a pin on the interactive map to share any location-specific ideas or concerns.
  3. Feel free to e-mail us with any questions or technical difficulties.

Topic Areas

The East Kaua'i Community and Circulation Plan will address many topics, click the ones of interest to you below to learn more and share your thoughts! Each section below includes slides to provide your comments and a discussion forum to share and discuss with others in your community!


Land Use, Housing, and Future Growth

Infrastructure & Shared Spaces

Heritage & Cultural Resources

Climate Change & Hazards


Agriculture, Small Businesses, & Jobs

Town Specific Issues and Opportunities

Explore the East Kauaʻi District 

Use the map below to share any location-specific ideas or concerns you have for East Kauaʻi 


  1. Zoom into the location on the map you are interested in by using the zoom controls or pinch gestures on your device (if applicable) to navigate and look at the specific area of the map you want to comment on
  2. Click on the  button on the left side of the map and follow the instructions in the box
  3. Select the "New Feature" icon below
  4. Once selecting the "New Feature" icon, place marker on location of map, comment, and save 
  5. As other community members add comments using the map feature, you can view them by navigating the map and clicking on the markers or comments